Page 5 - ALASFIRE -Automotive Product Catalog
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What is Aerosol? Alas Aerosol Extinguisher
Multiphase systems consisting of liquid and / or System Advantages
solid particles smaller than 10 microns in diameter
are called aerosols. Due to the common name in
the world of extinguishing products created with a • Due to its R&D, design, innovation and • The system is environmentally friendly. In-
chemical component based on potassium nitrate production capabilities, ADC Machine ternational Eco friendly certificate is ava-
(KNO3), the name aerosol is now known as the is able to offer its certified products to ilable.
extinguishing component. Aerosol fire extinguishers its solution partners with high quality
are consist of compressed, micron-sized chemical and reasonable prices. • Aerosol products do not consume oxy-
particles and these are not conductive. This reaction gen in the environment.
can be triggered by electrical energy or manually • Since the system is ergonomic and • Products do not produce high tempera-
activated with heat energy. easy to install, the average assembly ture condensate wastes occurring in ot-
time for the full set is 1 hour.
her products and do not damage engine
• System weight is 16 kg for the full set room equipment.
How To Extinguish? • As the production is carried out by • Aerosol does not conduct electricity. The
4 us, the factory provides fast supply technology of aerosol is suitable for elect- 5
The extinguisher block in the product reacts and logistics to the production and af- ric vehicles for future.
when activated. As a result of the reaction; Fire ter-sales services department.
extinguishing particles containing potassium • The products have IP 67 specifications.
carbonate, water vapor, carbon dioxide and • According to our capacity report, we • Aerosol products can be intelligible, and 2020-2021
dense nitrogen are released. These particles are; It can produce 25,000 units per year. without common electronic modules,
incorporates the carbon, hydrogen and hydrocarbon • Since there is no pressure vessel in each product can be controlled and the-
elements that make up the fire and prevents both the system, there are no external pipe, se signals can be provided with a CAN
chained combustion reactions and interferes both nozzle and closed container dangers. line to the front screen.
physically (cooling effect) and chemical intervention
in the fire. In this way, the combustion reaction ends • It does not require filling and calibra- • Aerosol products have 20 years of lifeti-
quickly and very effectively and the oxygen in the tion. me.
environment does not decrease. • There is a safe cover in the products • As the extinguishing component in the
as a precaution against the leakage products is in the plasticized solid state, it
Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen of the cover due to the high pressure is not affected by the risks in the external
that may arise when the aerosol pro- environment.
O2 O2 O2 O2 O2 O2 O2 O2 O2
AEROSOL A C ducts are activated. A patent applica-
A tion has been filed.
Combust ble substance Combust ble substance Combust ble substance