16.11.2023Use of Aerosol Fire Extinguishers in the Automotive Industry
Fire, a chemical and destructive event, occurs when heat, a combustible material, and oxygen come together. This event can lead to extremely dangerous consequences, causing significant material and emotional destruction. The more combustible material present in an area, the higher the likelihood of a fire spreading. When assessing the automotive industry, it's evident that it houses many materials that can potentially ignite, such as explosives, liquids, and gases. Serious precautions must be taken against fire in this sector, and the introduction of next-generation aerosol fire extinguishing devices offers the most reliable and sustainable method to address these concerns.
Aerosol fire extinguishing devices utilize aerosol particles to combat fires. These particles work by cutting off the fire's oxygen source and absorbing heat, thereby preventing the fire from spreading. Additionally, aerosol technology provides a rapid response time during a fire, preventing further damage to combustible materials. Within the automotive sector, various components like vehicle engines, fuel systems, and electrical installations pose a risk of fire. Recognizing these risks, automotive manufacturers have started integrating next-generation aerosol fire extinguishing devices into vehicles. These devices effectively intervene in the event of a fire, ensuring the safety of occupants and controlling the spread of fire within the vehicle.
The automotive industry is among the rapidly developing sectors in Turkey. Why is encountering a fire in this sector so dangerous and risky? Because factors such as high heat and sparks due to friction, ignition of waste materials like motor oil and fuel, fuel-containing heaters, moving mechanical parts, high airflow, turbochargers, exhaust systems, complex geometries that hinder extinguishing efforts, internal installations, electrical equipment, improper grounding, and the use of unprotected materials can lead to fires. In an industry where fire-related precautions are crucial, leveraging new and reliable technologies can significantly minimize risks.
Statistical Data:
It's estimated that approximately 10% of all buses encounter fire situations throughout their lifespans.
In Sweden, an average of 150 bus fire incidents are reported annually, accounting for around 1% of all buses in the country (Source: SP).
Germany reports 350-400 bus fires annually, approximately 0.4% of all buses (Source: PUBA).
Bus fires in Finland have doubled in the last ten years (Source: VTT).
In the US, it's reported that one in every six buses experiences a fire situation (Source: NFPA).
In Turkey, approximately 400-450 bus fire incidents are known.
Areas of Bus Fires:
These risks and hazards have been studied by expert committees of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) over the years, leading to discussions and decisions regarding fire suppression in the automotive industry. As a result, regulations were developed for fire suppression systems in motor compartments of buses under UNECE R107 regulations, mandatory for M2 and M3 class vehicles from the 2020 model year onwards. These regulations are currently enforced and being further developed in UNECE member countries.
It is known that aerosol technology, discovered for use in the Soviet space program and later introduced by NASA, was developed to prevent combustion and explosions during the separation of fuel modules from spacecraft. Describing aerosol technology, it is a multiphase system consisting of solid or liquid particles suspended in a gaseous environment. By nature, it extinguishes fires by blocking other components exposed to fire without cutting off oxygen in the environment.
Using aerosol as a fire suppressant has several advantages:
Aerosol is not harmful to humans. Its short lifespan in the atmosphere eliminates its impact on global warming and does not harm the ozone layer. It doesn't corrode other metals and can be cleaned with ordinary vacuum cleaners. With the increasing environmental awareness in our country, environmental regulations and standards support the use of materials with minimal environmental harm in all circumstances. Aerosol fire extinguishers prevent the possibility of faults arising from revision, refilling errors, and calibration failures due to their advanced technology. The initial intervention after a fire breaks out is the most effective in preventing losses, and aerosol fire suppression achieves this within seconds.
Our Aerosol Fire Extinguishers developed by Alas Fire provide answers to your needs for a safe environment with their long lifespan, capacity to charge within 4-6 seconds, and resilient structure. Our AP-530 and AP-160 Aerosol Fire Extinguishers operate effectively in both low and high temperatures, offering users convenience. With their moisture absorption and cooling features, they provide the safest solution for fire intervention. At Alas Fire, we strive to produce the most effective solutions using cutting-edge technology for fire intervention. We believe that our reliable and error-free devices will further elevate the automotive sector.
You can review our AP-530 Aerosol Fire Suppression Device here.
We also recommend taking a look at our AP-160 Aerosol Fire Suppression Device.