
What are the Advantages of Using Fire Extinguisher "Aerosol" in Buses?

Fire safety in buses has always been an important issue for both bus operators and passengers.  Modern technology products such as Aerosol Fire Extinguishing Systems of Alas Fire brand are a great help in minimising the risks in this area.

Here are the advantages of using fire extinguisher Aerosol in buses!

Fast Effect Time: Alas Fire Aerosol fire extinguishing systems complete extinguishing within 5 seconds according to the performance exhibited in ECE.R107 regulation tests. Aerosol systems start the extinguishing process immediately after the fire is detected, allowing flashover and/or fire to be controlled quickly. This prevents the risk of explosion and acts as a preventive factor against further damage. In addition, re-ignition in the engine area offers a solution to the problem of re-ignition.

Effective Extinguishing: Alas Fire Aerosol extinguishing systems come into play in fire fighting and effectively inhibit the combustion process of explosive oxygen. Aerosol agents allow the heat generated during the fire to accumulate, which causes the environment to cool down more quickly. As a result, Alas Fire Aerosol Extinguishing System helps to control the fire quickly, prevent the spread of flames and minimise the damage after the fire with its clean extinguishing feature, thanks to the extinguishing agents released into the environment and filling the volume. It also protects the passengers inside the buses and the bus itself.

Low Toxicity: Aerosol fire extinguishing systems are designed to minimise the risk of harm to human health. In the reports of the World Health Organisation, it is stated that aerosol agents can be used up to 8 hours without harm when used within the limits determined by the manufacturer's declaration and tested by independent institutions. The extinguishing agents used in these systems consist of substances that are not harmful to humans. This is an important advantage because the solution of smoke and chemicals during or after a fire can cause serious damage to people's health. Alas Fire Aerosol extinguishing systems ensure that bus journeys are both safe and healthy, as well as the evacuation of people in emergency situations.

Clean and Recyclable: Aerosol extinguishing systems are environmentally friendly and recyclable. This helps to minimise negative impacts on the environment. HFC-free, no greenhouse gas effect.

Area Effect: Aerosol extinguishing systems can work effectively in closed volumes. They are specially designed for use in closed and narrow environments such as bus engines.

Low Maintenance Requirement: Fire extinguishing systems used in buses generally have low maintenance parts and are durable for at least 10 years of use.

Suitability for Electrical Fires: Aerosol extinguishing systems can also extinguish electrical explosions and fires. It provides additional safety protection against electrical systems in buses. This protection has also been successfully verified in polymer sheet tests in ISO 15779 standard.

Alas Fire AP-530, AP-160, AFS-CON2 Control Module, AFS-CON1 Control Module, Linear Sensor Cable 185°, Linear Sensor Cable 88° and 105° and Set Options products use the fire extinguishing device Aerosol in buses in the most technological way.

As a result, Alas Fire, Aerosol extinguishing systems in buses are an effective option for fire safety. These systems respond quickly to combustion, extinguish effectively and offer a non-toxic solution. The presence of Alas Fire Aerosol fire extinguishing systems is important to ensure a safer travelling experience for bus operators and passengers.

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